Amply Media News & Resources

Content-Driven Advertising is your Future

Written by Amply Media Content Writer | Jun 6, 2018 8:59:06 PM

Why Content-Driven Advertising to Pre-Qualified Audiences is Your Future

In a perfect world, your advertising message would be delivered to exactly the right person, one that was eager to hear it, immediately interested in it and even searching for products like yours. Of course, reaching someone like that used to be hard. However, that's no longer the case.

Data and targeting have made great advances and media companies are getting better every day at matching advertisers with consumers. The media companies have figured out how to understand the behavior of online consumers in a variety of ways based on anonymous data. They use what they learn to connect kindred spirits with their kindred tribes at their preferred online meeting grounds.

But they've even taken it farther than that…

Building online gathering places

Smart media companies are building and developing new and exciting online destinations. These destinations are attracting like-minded people while delivering content they're looking for and showing advertising that they – not only won't object to – but actually, appreciate.

The advantage over social media

One problem with advertising on large social media sites, besides the cost, is that the experience of social media bombards viewers with distractions of every kind and category. An advertiser's message can get lost in a sea of other non-related messages. As a result, many users simply tune out to anything that even remotely resembles an advertising message. Targeting features on social media can still be somewhat more broad than ideal.

However, when you're presenting your advertising to prequalified, hyper-engaged viewers, you're reaching an audience that is paying attention and are not turning a blind eye to all marketing messages, such as is often the case on social media sites.

The advantage of content-based advertising is that it pairs people who are eager to receive a certain type of content with related advertising that fits comfortably in context. In this way, consumers are more receptive to advertising, as it is a natural complement or extension of the content they care about.

Using this approach, you're not gambling by advertising to a broader range of individuals that could be likely to have an interest in your product or service.

Putting the right people with your products

A new approach toward advertising, that companies like Amply Media are excelling at, is one in which extensive consumer data profiles are used to make ideal pairings of pre-qualified consumers with products.

It's a revolutionary and evolutionary step forward from simply using data targeting alone. This step involves creating what we might call "islands of content" that become daily destinations of your ideal consumer. It starts by creating websites featuring high quality and highly desirable content that's ever-evolving on a daily basis. These websites build a loyal audience following that offer consistent viewership of hyper-engaged individuals.

The next most important step is that advertising on the sites is carefully targeted. It matches advertising that fits into the context of the site's content. What this means is – it's advertising that the viewers will not be turned off by and will appreciate and find helpful. It's advertising that shows viewers products they want or may need.


For example, a food or kitchen-related product would find a perfect home at a "recipes" site.

A "deals" site audience would welcome with open arms advertising featuring significantly discounted products and promotional specials.

A "tech" site is going to be tuned-in to an electronics product that is related to the latest tech article they are reading about.

As you can see, there is a wide range of possibilities.

Beloved content + contextual advertising = sales harmony

Converting consumers into customers creates the music of sales when you match their hunger for content with advertising that's in the right context. If this kind of advertising were music, it would be called perfect harmony!

Our Approach

Amply Media has figured out the science of this approach to advertising. As a result, they've built an ever-growing online media network which currently boasts over 80 owned and operated websites across 45 of the most popular categories of content with 48 million unique and over 150 million monthly visitors – all of which continues to evolve.

Their network generates over 1,000 new, exciting and exhilarating pieces of content every single month, giving viewers the fresh, current and engaging information or entertaining distractions they crave – available 24/7.
Their websites span content categories that include entertainment, weather, news, shopping, deals, recipes, health, politics, technology, and the list goes on and on.

In terms of mobile users, Amply Media's network is massive at a staggering 30 million monthly active subscribers – how's that for reaching consumers?! We generate an astounding 180,000+ consumer interactions every minute!

Create a Partnership

Would you like to become one of Amply Media's trusted brand partners? We would like to be your advertising partner to help advocate your brand, improve loyalty, drive engagement and boost your revenue. We can help you reach your customers even when they aren't on your app or your website!

Contact Amply Media now and find out what we can do for your brand!